Ditch Questions: | Billing: |
Roger Sweet Mayordomo sweetroger7@gmail.com 575-829-3579 | Talia Michelle Secretary/Treasurer jscommditch@gmail.com |
Member fee due: $40 per member plus $10/ac Water Rights (ie. If you own a combined total of 1.2ac of water rights between two different properties, your fee is $60). Members whose ditches we clean will receive a separate bill for that service. | Make payable and mail to: Jemez Springs Community Ditch PO Box 166 Jemez Springs, NM 87025 |
Acequia Maps
Filename / Link | Size |
JSCDitch-Map-1.pdf | 17.46 Mb |
JSCDitch-Map-2.pdf | 15.12 Mb |
Forms and Documents
Filename / Link | Size |
DitchAssociationBylaws.pdf | 9.57 Mb |
Water Bank Deposit Form.pdf | 38.32 Kb |
Jemez Springs Community Ditch will have water turned in to section from Bodi to Electric Cooperative on April 1st . Section from Electric Cooperative to Canyon Del Rio water will be turned in on April 15th. Please have your ditch cleaned through your property.
Delayed 2023 Biennial Meeting on Sunday March 10, 2024 @ 2pm in Village of
Jemez Springs Municipal Office Building Conference Room
Agenda Jemez Springs Community Ditch March 10, 2024Call to order
1: Approve Minutes from March 26, 2023 Special Meeting
2: Financial Information
3: Election of Officers
4: Mayordomo’s Comments
5: Commissioner’s Comments
6: Member’s comments and concerns
a. Volunteer crew needed for work at the headgate
7: Meeting adjourn
Other Information
Water Rights are recorded at the NM Office of the State Engineer (OSE). You may view the list of recorded owners of Water Rights on this ditch by going to http://nmwrrs.ose.state.nm.us/nmwrrs/waterRightSummary.html and input SD for Basin, 04518 for Nbr, and * for Suffix, and then click on <View Water Right Summary>. The Acequia Maps available above might prove useful in finding a particular Water Right as the Map # and Track # match up with the Subfile # on the list.
Other public information regarding the ditch may be viewed in the jscommditch@gmail.com Google Drive which may be accessed at the following address https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kaGJmts9cwMCDgMt_A5npG9ceQfGI4Ua?usp=sharing