Notice of Change of Village Council Meeting Date

The February 18, 2025 regular meeting of the Village of Jemez Springs Council is moved to February 25th. The meeting will be held at its regular time and place–6:00 pm in the Governing Body Conference Room.

Notice of Changes to Zoning Ordinance

(recommended changes in bold)

Recommended Addition to §130-5 Definitions:

Tiny House (aka Tiny Home): A dwelling that is 400 square feet (37m2) or less in floor area excluding lofts and does not include recreational vehicles. Tiny houses constructed on a chassis with permanent axle shall be considered recreational vehicles and shall meet codes for and be licensed as recreational vehicles so long as the axle remains in place. If axles are removed and the unit placed on supports (foundation) the unit must comply with code requirements for tiny houses placed on a permanent foundation.”

Recommended Changes to §130-28 Building Permit Application

  1. Permit required. 

As provided by the laws of the state, no building over 200 sf, tiny house, or other structure within the Village shall be erected, moved, added to, or structurally altered without first obtaining a separate building permit for each such building or structure whenever the State, County, Village, or floodplain development codes require a permit for such action. 

B.  Application Review:

All applications for building permits shall first be reviewed and endorsed by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the next scheduled Planning and Zoning monthly meeting following application submission, and prior to submittal to the appropriate County or State agency of building inspection. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review each building permit application as it may pertain to the provisions of this chapter, particularly regarding zone changes, conditional use permits, variances, and floodplain restrictions. If an application is deemed by the Planning and Zoning Chair to need expedited action, the Planning and Zoning Chair or Vice Chair may act on the application.

C. Endorsement. 

The Planning and Zoning Commission shall endorse each building permit application that meets all Village Code requirements and may attach any necessary written comment to said application in reference to possible violations to this chapter.

Notice of Proposed Amendment to Ordinance 200


WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 200, the Village was authorized by the Governing

body to enter into an agreement with NMED for funding not to exceed $230,370; and

WHEREAS the Governing body has determined that it is in the best interest of the Village

to increase the amount by $802,266 for a total amount of $1,032,636; and

WHEREAS, the NMED has agreed to increase amount under the same terms and

conditions set forth in the original agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE VILLAGE OF JEMEZ SPRINGS, SANDOVAL COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, that: Ordinance 200 be amended to increase the grant amount of OSG 002 to $1,032,636 under the same conditions set forth for the original agreement.

Wastewater Department Alert

On Tuesday, 2/11/2025, personnel from the companies of Daniel B. Stephens & Associates and Pro Pipe will be walking the collection line. If access to properties is only through gates, please have property owners contact the wastewater plant manager to coordinate access at 575-520-8246.

Visit Jemez Springs

The Village of Jemez Springs is a popular tourist destination known for it’s natural mineral hot springs, stunning vistas, and local charm.

Located about an hour’s drive from Albuquerque and Santa Fe, along a designated National Scenic By-way, the Village serves as a lodging and dining oasis in the high-desert wilderness of the surrounding Santa Fe National Forest and Valles Caldera Preserve.

Jemez SpringsAdditional information about local businesses and activities is available on the website or through our official Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Jemez Springs Community DirectoryThe Jemez Springs Community Directory provides a central public directory to the many services, organizations, businesses, and municipal agencies located in the area.
Jemez Springs Public LibraryThe Jemez Springs Public library website lists special library programs and events, has a great collection of links for kids and students learning from home, plus free-to-download eBooks and audiobooks. Check it out!